Megan Sety has moved on from the role of newsletter editor and left me (Tony Gazley) to try and maintain the blog to the standards she set. Well that’s going to be difficult. So to make it a bit easier I’m proposing a couple of changes.
Instead of emailing a manually produced monthly notification to newsletter subscribers (club members and those others interested in club activities) that there are new posts there will now be an email notification at each new posting. These emails will be generated automatically making less work for the editor. If you don’t want to receive these you can simply unsubscribe yourself.
The paper copy of the newsletter will be discontinued. There was a disproportionate amount of work required by the editor to produce these for only a few members. Times have changed and most people are now happy to read on screen – computer, phone etc – and anyway the electronic newsletter offers coloured photographs as illustrations to trip reports, and the archive of reports is searchable – neither were available with the black and white paper copy.
There will be other changes over the next few months so watch this space. And if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know