WTMC Discount Night at Bivouac & and a few odds and ends

Bivouac is offering a unique opportunity for WTMC members this month on Thursday 26 September 6:30 – 7:30pm at their store on 39 Mercer St in Wellington. Come along to hear what’s new in tramping and mountaineering gear including Exped air mats, ultra lite Black Diamond walking poles and new items from Earth Sea Sky. More importantly, if you come along that night you receive a 20% discount available to use that night and the following week on anything in store (excludes electrical, clearance and cactus gear). RSVP or send questions to me at newsletter@wtmc.org.nz.

Bivouac will also be offering a new-to-tramping gear night as a club talk on 16 October featuring parkas, packs, boots and other newbie gear questions.

In other news, you can brush-up your photography skills in this month’s issue of Wilderness focused on photography. While you’re there, consider entering in the Wilderness magazine reader photo competition. Visit their website for more details: http://www.wildernessmag.co.nz.

Winning a photo competition is possible. In fact, one of our club members is a finalist in the New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year 2013 competition. You can view Ian Harrison’s photo and vote in the People’s choice at http://www.nzgeographic.co.nz/poty/photocomp.

Finally, here are the answers to the cryptic crossword puzzle clues in Harry Smith’s Old Codger’s Trip Report from last month’s newsletter.

  1. WATER  ( HIJKLMNO   =   H to O   =   H 2 O    =    water )
  2. OFTENTIMES (OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF =  OF ten times = oftentimes)
  3. SPOONER (The Reverend William Spooner, after whom the speech defect known as the Spoonerism is named. In a Spoonerism, the initial sounds of two words in a phrase are accidentally reversed. As a sufferer of this condition, Spooner was a word botcher, so he would have proclaimed himself a birdwatcher!)

The chocolate fish for the first correct answers received goes to Tony Gazley. Actually, Tony’s were the only answers received, and he solved them within a day or two of the newsletter coming out, so well done Tony!

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