Greetings fellow trampers. The spring climbing season is upon us and I have lots of trips planned so I’m going to keep this column short and blunt.
I like to think that WTMC is a friendly, welcoming, inclusive club. This is certainly the culture the committee is trying to foster. As warmer weather descends upon us and daylight saving kicks in we can expect more potential new members to turn up to our Wednesday night sessions. It would be great if we could all take the time to make the new people feel welcome. It takes a brave soul to come along to an unfamiliar environment where they don’t know anyone and there is nothing worse than making the effort only to find that everyone stands round talking to their mates and ignoring you or giving you a cursory “hi there” then turning straight back to the conversation they were in the middle of.
I don’t doubt we can all think of great excuses for not bothering to be friendly to strangers, my response is JUST DO IT. If you see people hovering round by the trip sheets looking lost this is probably because they are. This is a great opportunity for you to help out by simply asking the person if they are looking for a trip to go on and explaining how our systems work. If you don’t feel you can provide the required help look for someone in the room who can and make the necessary introduction.
While I’m on the subject of what you can do for WTMC, don’t forget to send any tramping recipe ideas to Megan at Illona is in the process of updating our fabulous cook book and she needs your contributions. If you have not seen the cookbook, check it out on our website at
Been on any good trips lately? If you have not written them up for the newsletter there is always the club journal. Send articles and photos to Tony at Keen to lead some trips? Mike and Debbie would love to hear from you. Email Mike at or ask for him on a Wednesday night, he is usually in the hall somewhere.
If you regularly read my columns, and yes, I’m aware that not everyone does, you will be aware that I generally devote quite a few words to pointing out opportunities for members to contribute to the smooth running of the club. I make no apologies for this. The WTMC does not run itself and the committee consists of a group of trampers who give up some of their precious spare time to help with club administration. Club stuff however, is everyone’s responsibility regardless of whether or not you are on the committee. Clubs like ours thrive or perish based on the collective effort of the membership. In 2014 I will be standing down after three years as Club President. Steve Austin will be standing down after at least seven years as Club Treasurer. Pete Gent will not be undertaking the role of Club Secretary as well as Club Gear Officer. We will be counting on new people to come on board to carry on the good work. Now is an excellent time to think about where you see WTMC going and what part you want to play in our future. If you want to join the committee in 2014 please get in touch
See you on Oct 9 for New Members Night. Enjoy your Spring tramping and stay safe.