Kia ora,
This article provides a brief update on club activities, including:
- WTMC August recap: Committee, trips and lodge updates
- Tech officer vacancy: we need you!
- Coming up in September
If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch.
Ngā mihi
Anne de Ferron
WTMC August recap
EM trip to Zekes Hut – The Hihitahi Forest Sanctuary is not visited very often.
In fact the original DOC hut book was still at the hut from 2007. Read the trip report. (credit: Jacqui)
From the Committee
Upcoming survey – In August the Committee met to discuss the big picture – what are the activities and benefits the club provides? What do our members expect from WTMC? Are we focusing on the right things? A survey will be sent to all club members shortly, to understand your views on what we are doing well, what we could improve, and what we should aim to do in the medium and long term. This will guide the changes we might need to make, and inform any amendments that might need to be made to the Club constitution. If you have any thoughts or questions, please email Mathew at
FMC cards – If you wish to receive your FMC card and access discounts, please make sure your postal address is up to date. You can update your details by logging into HelloClub or emailing David at .
Trips updates
Upcoming trip schedule – It’s time to kick off trip planning for the Spring Summer period – 28 October (weekend after Labour) to 25 March (weekend before Easter ’24). This period includes several public holidays (see below) which gives us the opportunity to plan longer trips, or travel further afield (Christmas, New Year Eve, Wellington Anniversary and Waitangi day). If they are trips on your wishlist, please email to suggest trips. If possible, please include proposed dates, trip name and grade, and start/end location.
Alpine trips – More alpine trips are being added to the trip schedule, these are also listed on the Alpine trips page, and are open for sign up. More trips will be added as the season progresses.
Hut etiquette: Important reminder – Please be mindful of other hut users, in particular as we often travel in large groups! This include making space for other parties, including bench space to cook and making sure everyone has a spot to spend the night. All WTMC trip participants are expected to carry a sleeping mat and ground sheet and be ready to camp, please consider freeing up bunks or lending your equipment to other parties who might not be equipped to sleep on the floor or outside.
Van etiquette: Another important reminder – Both Drivers and Passengers should feel safe on the road, please do speak up if needed – e.g. if the driving is too fast, if you are too tired to drive or not comfortable taking the wheel in off-road conditions. Driving for long distances can also be tiring, especially when coming back from a big weekend tramping! Please be kind of your drivers, don’t put pressure on them to rush home and don’t distract them. Drivers are doing their best to keep you safe, which sometimes requires driving slowly, pulling over or taking breaks if needed.
Lodge updates
There is still availability at the Ruapehu lodge most weekends. Make sure to book your spot at the lodge! For the latest updates, please check the WTMC Ruapehu Facebook page.
WTMC August recap
M trip to Kiritaki Hut – A good plan B when the road closure stop you from visiting Waterfall Hut. (credit: Tony S)
Tech officer vacancy: We need you!
Our long-standing Technology Officer, Juan, will be heading overseas soon! We are urgently looking for a volunteer to step into the Tech Officer role. This is a great opportunity to learn about the range of systems that WTMC uses behind the scenes and sharpen your IT skills. The role could be shared with others depending on your interests and skills. Juan will be able to provide a good handover.
For more info check the role description or contact Juan (
WTMC August recap
Left: EM group heading to Waiopehu hut (credit: Jane)
Right: The first joint WTMC-NZAC alpine trip! Great views and great people (credit: Anne)
Coming up
Check the trip schedule for upcoming club trips
30 August – WTMC social: Pub night at Forks and Brewers
1 September – Photo competition: deadline to submit entries.
For more information and how to participate, check this article on the website.
To submit your photos or for any questions, please email Mathew (
Submissions close on 1 September at 5pm.
13 September: WTMC Social: Photo Competition prize giving.
25 and 28 September – Mountain Film Festival – WTMC will once again run the Mountain Film Festival in partnership with the Victoria University Tramping Club. Screenings will be held at the Victoria University (Kelburn campus). Book tickets here.
27 September: WTMC Talk: Mt Taranaki
A very happy tramping party on the M te Matawai hike this weekend.
Wet, cold and muddy but high spirits, great chats and many laughs. (credit: Peter)