A new club year and Committee
This year’s AGM went well – I’m pleased to welcome the new Committee. There’s a number of familiar faces, including some in new roles, and some new Committee members (welcome Beverley Holder and Mike Campbell). I’m also delighted that post-AGM we now have a new Promotions Officer, Social Convenor and Gear Custodian – thanks and welcome Sam Davis, Amanda Jones and Ingeborg (Inky) Hickey.
We’re still in need of a new Chief Guide. Matt has very kindly helped to caretake for a short while and provide support but also has other commitments to juggle.
It was great to see strong engagement at the AGM. Most of the Constitutional Changes were accepted. It was agreed that the club needs more time to work through its Objects (Section 3), thanks to some great feedback from Garth (thanks!). The new Committee will consider this along with club values and mission statement. Thanks for those who have provided feedback – we’re keen
I continue to get great joy hearing people talking excitedly about their club trips. They’ve reminded me about the many adventures I’ve been fortunate to experience through the club such as tramping, mountaineering, tubing, canyoning and kayaking – thanks to our wonderful volunteer leaders. One of the priorities for this year will be further building and growing leadership across the club.
As part of this, we’re doing some of our mountaineering differently. Henry has kindly offered to lead a smaller, more focused version of Snowcraft for some of our current leaders. We’re also looking at options to provide more experience for those who are Snowcraft trained and otherwise build up our alpine capability.
We’re continuing to have a strong focus on other training – with our (rescheduled) annual Bushcraft Course happening in May, and First Aid Training also planned for later this year. We’re also looking at doing some leadership specific training in spring – but if you’re interested in leading or co-leading trips before then email me at President@wtmc.org.nz.
There’s also the club’s scholarship fund which we’re actively encouraging members to consider. The funds of up to $500 per individual are to help members get themselves and others experiencing new or more backcountry adventures y safely. Details and the application form are here.
Club trips and online sign-ups
We’ve received a range of positive and helpful feedback on the online sign ups. We’ll be making some tweaks to the form in response, and some leaders may also be tailoring their forms a little to capture some details specific for their trip.
Our trip planning evening a few weeks ago was very successful, with the draft schedule so far looking very exciting. This is a good opportunity for me to plug the Winter Solstice trip on 19-21 June at the club’s Lodge at Ruapehu. Email me if you want more details or to sign up.
The full schedule will be available at the club night and online shortly.
Thanks for staying with us – or if you’re new, joining – our fantastic WTMC community. Hopefully see you on a club night, trip or otherwise outdoors soon,