Moving back to Alert Level 2 earlier this month has presented many challenges to the club. We’ve really appreciated everyone’s understanding and flexibility as we continue to navigate our way through our COVID-19 impacted world.
It’s been difficult for the club having to close or halt some things for a short period of time but we’ve been trying to keep a longer-term view – thinking of the well-being of the club, our members and our community.
I want to recognise the huge amount of thinking and work behind the scenes to prepare for and respond to the changing levels. This includes giving a particular thanks to the team that went into action this month to manage lodge bookings, food and more to close the Lodge in record time following the recent Alert Level 2 announcement.
Your committee and other volunteers are also continuing to work to keep members connected, educated – and out enjoying trips as much and as soon as we can.
Our next trip scheduling night is planned for Wed 9 Sept, 5.30pm (if we’re back at Alert Level 1 then). There’ll be free pizza, many maps, ideas and a great knowledge pool. We’re always looking for trip ideas and leaders to run trips, even if you can’t make it on the night. Email Matt at
Club nights are also continuing to run as and how we can. Currently this relies on getting more online speakers (email: if you can help). Last week Natasha Harris gave a very informative and engaging talk on leading your first trip. For those unsure or tentative about taking that step, there’s many willing to help as co-leaders or mentors. I started co-leading and found the guidance and support of each of my co-leaders invaluable. Again, email Matt (
A massive thanks to Megan Sety for all her work with the Mountain Film Festival which the club is co-hosting. This is still planned to go ahead but we’re still working on the best options including possibly new dates given the current uncertainties about levels. Refunds will be issued if it’s cancelled (we have email details of all those booked). Keep an eye on the club’s website and Facebook page, and online at:
As a club we’re also as committed as ever to being more responsible and sustainable. For example, Tony (our Vice President) has been contacting other clubs to get their insights, and Fiona (our Transport Officer) has been posting tree planting and local clean ups on our Facebook page (check it regularly or email Also check the club’s Forum for more initiatives and the Resources web page for other links to help you reduce your tramping footprint.
The environmental sub-group met again this week and decided that’s not enough. So we’re holding a competition to get the best suggestions from you as to how we as a club and members can be more environmentally responsible and sustainable. You’ll not only get the feel good and environmental benefits involved but there’ll be a real (tangible) prize for the best suggestion – or prizes if there’s too stiff competition! Entries close Mon 4 Oct. Email Tony at .
Any other suggestions as to what we can do as a club during these challenging times, as well as in general, please let me or anyone else in your Committee know. There’s also a Suggestions Box at club nights (when we meet in person) if you want to be anonymous.
To end on a positive note, personally I’m so grateful to be in Wellington at this time – with the green belt and so many other wonderful walks for me and my pack to explore (see some photos below). Hopefully you’re also able to get out and some training in ready for when we’re back at alert Level 1.
Stay safe, well and connected,