Tēnā koutou
I’m delighted that we now have a full Committee – and really pleased to welcome our new Chief Guide, Anne de Ferron. Anne has been leading trip for many years, as well as helping the club with the Mountain Film Festival and in many other ways. So many thanks to Matt C for all his planning, patience and so more as Chief Guide over the last two and half years, and all his other Committee work for years before then. Matt very generously is supporting Anne into the role, along with our Assistant Chief Guide, Maarten, along with James Wratt who will provide planning and other help as needed. Welcome also to James!
The Mountain Film Festival which WTMC co-hosts with Victoria University Tramping Club, is on again this year. Thursday 9 September, 6.30pm is the Award-winning selection and Monday 13 September, 6.30pm Kiwi-made highlights. Get your ticket here now before they all sell out!
The club’s families group has a full program coming up over winter – including the famous annual Battle Hill Fire Cookout, and a couple of super simple day walks around the region. Families of all styles and ages welcome – the group does all sorts from picnics to overnight tramps. Trampers recovering from injuries are also welcome to join on day walks (provided you are patient with young children). The group is particularly keen to hear from experienced trampers who now have families and who would be willing to lead trips. For more information contact Amelia and Sam, our families group coordinators on families@wtmc.org.nz.
There’s also a full program of other events, with planning for the next schedule on this coming Wednesday, 4 August from 7pm. And don’t forget the trip reports – without which there is no newsletter! Trip reports can be in various formats including a short summary with trip statistics, photos with tag lines or even videos. Email Byron at newslette@wtmc.org.nz with your reports and if you need help with ideas.
It’s been a great team effort to mailout the FMC cards to everyone, and the FMC bulletins to all those who’ve let us know they’d still want these mailed to them. A huge thanks to Aimee, Garth and Mark P for their huge efforts with this mailout! If you want a hard copy, or didn’t get the June copy and want it, email secretary@wtmc.org.nz
A small but active group of members have been continuing to do amazing work with WTMC’s Blue Whio project. Thanks to Amanda Well for all her work over many years in coordinating this work (plus doing lots of trapping work)! We (and the whios) are now looking for a new trapping coordinator. We’re still looking for someone to help with van maintenance. If you’re interested in either role, or otherwise helping out, email me.
Don’t forget the big bake-off coming up in only a few weeks (18 August, 7.00pm onwards). A good start to make sure you’re in the running is the club’s new cookbook – which even has a whole section just on Tararua biscuits. A bargain at only $30! Why stop at the bake-off – there’s so many great recipes to try for tramps and other trips. Pick up your copy at a club night or email Tony at vicepresident@wtmc.org.nz.
Now is also a good time of year to start thinking about the photo competition, and any other ideas for club nights or in general. Email Amanda J at social@wtmc.org.nz
Some of our newer Committee are also looking into what else we can do for the club and members, such as getting a set of packs for those new to the club to make it easier for them to go outdoors. If you have a (functional) pack you’d like to donate, email Sam H at communications@wtmc.org.nz.
Any other suggestions, email myself or anyone else at the Committee, or come and say hello at a club night or on a trip.
Kia ora rawa atu