It’s so good to be able to tramp again and to be able to focus on the new normal as a club.
Last weekend we had five overnight trips running, very exciting after months of no trips and then only day trips! I was fortunate to go on one (Aorangi Crossing) – and have also included a photo from one of our alpine trips as a taster on what’s on offer in the club.
Part of the new is looking for opportunities of what we might want to do better, more of and/or differently post Lockdown.
The first full schedule is out and more trips are being planned. We’re wanting an inclusive club that offers trips that range from suitable for those who might still be thinking about their first tramping boots to those super experienced, fast and fit plus. For example, there’s some Easy (entry) level trips in September, including one down to Lewis Pass and the club’s first Kapiti Island overnight trip in early December. More details are on the schedule on the website:
Part of our eye to the future is helping to build future leaders and other training, such as Bushcraft and First Aid. This year we’re running an Alpine Leaders Course (a massive thanks to Mike Phethean) and working on other ways to support more alpine trips and future Snowcraft courses (thanks to all those others leading ALP1 trips).
We’re also committed as a club to be as environmental conscious and responsible as we can. We’ve set up an environmental sub-committee looking at what we can do – as a club overall, at a trip level, and as members. Things we’re looking at include having more conservation type trips (e.g. bush regeneration weekends, beach clean ups, baiting), battery recycling boxes at club nights (see: and recycling gas cannisters (no easy answer on that so far).
For more inspiration and ideas, come and see Shaun Hendy speak about his year without flights.
Our Vice President has been in contact with FMC and other clubs to see what they’re doing and to identify opportunities to see what we can do collectively. If you want to get involved or have any other ideas, email Tony at
FMC has also been in touch with us about their 2020 FMC Expedition scholarships – applications for the two 2020 scholarships are now open:
- Youth Expedition Scholarships – for applicants under the age of 30
- Simon Bell Memorial Scholarship (no age restrictions
Applications close at 5pm on Friday 18 September 2020; eligibility criteria and application forms are available online at
We’ve had a few members keen for us to continue with our online talks. We’d be really interested to film and stream various club talks – but need some volunteers to actually do it for us. We’re also always after inspiring speakers and there’s still a long list of club trips I want to hear about. Email if you’re able to help.
Again, don’t forget the club has a new cookbook, great value at $40 from Bivouac or club nights (cash, or email me first to get account details). There’s also the photo competition – entries close 17 August 2020.
To leave you on another high note – I’m very excited that WTMC will be co-hosting the Mountain Film Festival with VUW (Victoria University Wellington) Tramping club on. Be inspired, amazed and have a good night out with your tramping buddies (can you recognise them without their boots). Save these date/s: 7 September (Kiwi Made) and 10 September (Best of the Festival). Tickets on sale now:
Stay involved and see you on a club trip or night soon (come up and say hello),