Kia ora,
This article provides general club updates including:
- Committee vacancies: President and Chief Guide
- Other Club updates: leaders training, winter at the Lodge etc
- Coming up in June
If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch.
Ngā mihi
Favourite photos from the Dorset Ridge MF trip. Highlights include Emily putting her hair into a Princess Leia style for May the 4th, how the EM, M, and MF WTMC trips all ran into each other Sunday afternoon at Mitre Flats and had a good chat, or the amazing weather we had. (Regan)
LEFT: Our M trip to Te Matawai on 25-26 May was fairly non-eventful standard Tararua trip – a bit of rain and lots of mud. We did manage some nice views of the ōtaki coastline on our way up to Pukematawai, until the clag came in, that is! (Sara H)
RIGHT: A photo of the Orongorongo Valley taken by Amrita, on a EM day trip led by Tony S
From the Committee
- President role – After providing some continuity and helping new Committee members getting up to speed, I will step down at the end of June. If you are interested in stepping into the role please get in touch, appropriate handover will be provided.
- Chief Guide role – The role remains vacant, if you are interested in this role please get in touch.
We are running a trip leaders workshop on 19 June. If you are interested in running safe and enjoyable trips, sign up via the trip schedule.
We are welcoming new volunteers who will help run critical aspects of our Club:
- Emergency Contact Coordinator – After 7 years in the role, Sarah F is handing the reins over to Phoebe to look after our Emergency Contact roster.
- Membership Officer – After establishing our new membership system, HelloClub, and administering it for two years, David is stepping down. Mike McG will be handling membership queries going forward.
We always need help with bits and pieces. In particular, we are hoping to find a few more volunteers to help on Wednesday evenings, with Club nights and gear pick up/drop off. Both tasks run on a roster basis with other volunteers – you can sign up in the roster at the dates that work for you. For more information please email Sam at
EM trip to Waiopehu Hut on 25-26th May. Highlights included two good days in the forest and hills negotiating some muddy tracks and regular rain showers. The group combined to produce a satisfying red lentil and coconut dhal. After a sleep free night sharing the hut with five or six well behaved dogs we completed a day trip to over Mt Waiopehu and Twin Peak before returning to Poads road end and then enjoying a coffee at Whispers Cafe in Levin. (Tony B).
LEFT: Highlight from my MF Nav loop in the Western Tararua circumnavigating the ridgelines between Panatewaewae and Waitewaewae was
crème brûlée made on site by James at our wild ridgeline camp… check out the process in this video! (Emily)
RIGHT: Makaretu Loop trip. It was nice leading an EM trip and knowing that we made a collective decision to revert to Plan B given the wind on the ridge (and despite this several of us still managed to bag all the huts on Plan A) (Daniel).
Lodge Updates
The food stocking and final pre winter working party is about to happen – after that the lodge will be all go for the winter season and we invite you to make the most of it to come experience the mountain in winter if you haven’t already.
Thanks to everyone who put time into lodge maintenance this summer, and to new volunteers stepping into the Lodge Booking Assistant and Lodge Food Assistant roles!
Lodge bookings are open to Members and will open to non-Members on 1-June. The Lodge refund policy and booking fees has been updated this year, more info here. Make sure to follow the Ruapehu Lodge facebook page for any updates and key dates for bookings.
Debbie’s highlights from the Kepler Track (EM):
Left: I managed to convince my 2 youngest to join me on a WMTC tramp. They loved it and keen to do more. Win for me and getting youth involved, win for the club. // Right: Beginning of the trip. One thing I enjoy about being a member is meeting new people. After this trip I have 5 new friends. I already knew everyone else.
Coming up next
Check the trip schedule for upcoming club trips
5 June – WTMC Talks: WTMC Talks: Zealandia behind the scenes
19 June – WTMC Workshop: Leaders training
3 July – WTMC Talks: Hypothermia – Know your facts
Early May was a perfect time to visit the Tararua’s, including mighty Mitre. Jeanna, Mike, Ashley and Monique completed a loop from Mitre Flats Hut, visiting Mid King Biv and Tarn Hut.
Monique, Regan, Daniel and Sam visited Ruahine Forest Park over Anzac weekend. This trip had it all, spectacular views, plenty of huts, solitude, and serenity (all together, “so much serenity”), an abundance of whio, off track exploring, interesting rocks, varied terrain, river travel, wild wind and warm sun. With the addition of good company it was a top experience.
Just wondering if you have any contact details for this gentleman or his family.
We have been donated some goods and some items within contained copies of marriage &birth certificates.
Most importantly some very old family photos.
We would love to see them reunited with the family