We are looking for volunteers to fill our critical vacancies. If you are interested in helping out please get in touch with president@wtmc.org.nz.
Chief Guide (vacant)
The Chief Guide oversees Club trips and activities. In particular, they are responsible for ensuring that trip run smoothly and safely, and answer queries from Trip Leaders and Participants. The Chief Guide sits on the Committee and has the opportunity to actively shape the direction we are taking as a Club. The Chief Guide role is supported by a range of volunteers to help with trip schedule planning, training etc so the workload is shared. More info about the Committee is available here, and a role description is saved at the bottom of the Committee page.
Membership Officer (vacant)
The Membership Officer has two main regular tasks:
- Keeping an eye on the membership mailbox.
- Keeping an eye on Hello Club, ensuring that there are no membership fees due, archiving member records that are no longer current and performing backups.
Less regular tasks are liaising with Hello Club as needed about system problems or upgrades; and setting up the membership fees and rules in Hello Club when they change.
The workload is not usually high but it needs regular attention and members appreciate prompt responses when they have problems. There is a little bit more to do in January when the historical memberships renew, including all those who have not activated their accounts.
Whoever takes on the membership role would need to have reasonable computer skills, willingness to get familiar with how Hello Club works and how WTMC uses it. The outgoing Membership Officer is happy to help during the transition.
Emergency Contact Coordinator (vacant)
We are also looking for a volunteer to step into the Emergency Contact Coordinator role on an ongoing basis. As part of this role, key duties include
- Sending one email per week to trip leaders and emergency contacts to share instructions and contact details for the weekend
- Redirect the emergency phone number once a week to the relevant emergency contact
- Keep an eye on the roster and liaise with the Chief Guide or someone on the Committee when there is a need for more volunteers to sign up
This role does requires little time but is critical to our Club emergency system and safety on Club trips. We are looking for someone reliable and organised who is looking to support Club activities. There are a few other trained people who can temporarily cover for you if you are away. Appropriate handover will be provided.
Lodge Booking Assistant (vacant)
We are looking for someone to help the Lodge Booking Officer, which consists in answering booking enquiries, coordinating with the food officer to ensure that food is ordered for winter guests, processing bookings and refunds, sending out pre trip info emails and assign guests to bunks. The role is shared with another volunteer.