WTMC at COVID-19 Alert Level 2

Now that COVID-19 alert level 2 has been extended in Wellington and across most of the country, we’re aware that you want to know what this means for the club.

We’ve been working to keep members engaged in tramping and mountaineering.

  • Club trips – Overnight trips won’t run at alert level 2, but we may look to run some day trips. So that we can comply with the physical distancing and other Level 2 measures, these day trips will only be in the Wellington region and numbers will be limited. We will also not be using the club vans or other shared transport. Details of trips will be updated on the website: https://wtmc.org.nz/trips/.
  • Club nights – In person club events will go on hold during alert level 2 but we want to continue club nights online. Members will be emailed event details as we have them – noting we now urgently need online presenters. If you can help, please email Byron at social@wtmc.org.nz.
  • Lodge – The club’s Lodge at Ruapehu will be closed at alert level 2. Anyone who has a booking during this time will be contacted by a Lodge Booking Officer and will receive a full refund.
  • Scholarship fund – For some good news – we still have funds in the club’s scholarship fund – and you can apply for these at any level. Our only proviso is that you don’t use it for any courses that are running at alert levels 2, 3 or 4. However, we will be flexible about the time in which you need to use your scholarship in.

We’re also keen to help support members upskill and share their skills. Anyone with some great resources to help with navigation and map reading, First Aid, weather reading, knots and other skills – please share on our Facebook page or the website forum or email Rasmus at communications@wtmc.org.nz.

Check the club’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/wtmcnz) or website (www.wtmc.org.nz) for updates including details of events, day trips (when we get the leaders for these), links to some skills resources and other information.

Most importantly, stay safe, healthy and well. Any suggestions, questions or concerns, email Maj-Britt at president@wtmc.org.nz.

Your Committee