The next WTMC New Trampers Night is 11 Feb – at the usual time (from 7:30pm) and the usual place (Tararua Hall, Moncrieff St, Mt Vic).
We need you to come along – it doesn’t matter if you are new to the club, if you have only been with us a short while, or if you are an old hand – we still need you there! And invite your family, friends and co-workers along too. This is our chance to share with others what we love about the club and invite people to find out about becoming a part of our outdoor community.
Whether you’re a seasoned tramper, just starting out or simply curious about what we get up to in the outdoors – then this is your chance to get some info on what the club offers and how you can get involved. Lots of friendly and experienced trampers will be available to share with you what sort of day walks and overnight tramping, cycling and kayaking trips the club organises as well as advice about what sort of gear to bring and how to prepare for one of our trips.
If you are a current member, or regular tramper with the club, we need your help. You can volunteer for one of the jobs listed below, or just wear a ‘hello my name is’ sticker and mingle and be friendly. It’s nice and easy, it’s basically just an opportunity for you talk enthusiastically about the things you love doing with the tramping club, to people who are keen and interested to hear all about it.
Volunteers we need are:
Door welcoming
Weekend Tramping info
Alpine info
Day trips info
Cycling info
Kayaking info
Family trampers info
Ruapehu Lodge info
What else? Photography? Navigation? What is YOUR passion?
If one (or more!) of these jobs sounds just like you, please give Mike a yell at