WTMC Ruapehu Lodge
a brief history 1952 to 2022

A concise history of the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club (WTMC) Lodge on Mt Ruapehu from its initial construction in 1952 until 2022.

Most club members will know we have a lodge at Mt Ruapehu. Many of you will have stayed there. But the lodge didn’t just materialize in the form it is now—it is the result of a very large number of days of volunteer effort over many years, both in raising funds and organizing, together with the manual labour required on site.

The lodge sub-committee considered that the sacrifices in time and effort of past members should not be forgotten by users today when they are resting comfortably in the lounge after a day’s skiing, climbing, tramping or other outdoor activity on the mountain. So, we have produced an on-line booklet, ‘WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – brief history 1952 to 2022’ that records the important landmarks in the building of the lodge as it is today.

We will have hardcopy versions available free to interested members.

WTMC Ruapehu Lodge front entrance

For a brief history of the WTMC go here

For the WTMC Lodge home page go here.

2 thoughts on “WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – a brief history 1952 to 2022”

  1. A marvellous publication – Thanks so much Tony and Sue.
    One small correction for the next edition – the photo on the inside of front cover is the dining area, not the lounge.

    • Ha we wondered how many noticed the error.
      Will be corrected in online copy very soon.
      Pleased you liked the story – it’s a very special part of the club’s history.

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