Unfortunately, due to that Covid beast our lodge is at present closed again until we move back to level 1. The date at present for that is Monday 7th September but that could change either way so lots of fingers crossed.
The reason we are closed is due to no staff to cook and clean and for supervising guests to maintain required Covid standards.
Our booking team and treasurer have been busy doing the opposite of normal – by cancelling bookings and giving out refunds to those who have booked. Thanks to those involved with bookings and food, and answering all sorts of questions.
How simple things were when we used to sign up for a weekend – turn up for the bus on Friday night, and pay for the weekend on the bus on the way home. Cash, of course!
The good news, however, is that the mountain is still operating in a limited fashion and snow continues to fall. Now, when the weather allows, the Knoll Ridge T, Valley T, Gondola, Rangatira chair and Valley Carpets are available for skiing.
And to conclude, we have people working tirelessly for all to enjoy our lodge. However, we have a need for someone to maintain our social media and handle lodge promotions winter and summer. Summer is now more important than ever as we are now more reliant on a summer programme. Could this be you? Contact; lodgeconvenor@wtmc.org.nz or any other committee or lodge committee member.
To add to that, we also require some people to stay at the lodge during ‘Summer lodge’ to act as ‘custodians’, so it could be for one, two or three weeks from New Year, give or take a few days. Contact; lodgeconvenor@wtmc.org.nz or any other committee or lodge committee member.
Miles spent a few weeks at the lodge last summer. Some of you may have followed his blog on summer lodge where he took bookings and guided or pointed people in the right direction of the many day trips that can be achieved from the lodge.
Lodge Convenor