Ruapehu Rumblings – April 2017

Summer lodge sunsets are awesome
Summer lodge sunsets are awesome – Photo by Sharron Came on an April climbing trip

Ruapehu Lodge has been the place to be over summer. We’ve seen club trips, private groups and casual guests summiting Tongariro peaks, checking out the trails around the region on foot and on mountain bike, rock climbing, and visiting the hot pools and the National Park pubs and cafes, or whipping up batches of scones to enjoy with coffee and views of Taranaki in the lounge.

6-7 May Working Party

Lodge working parties, 1960s style
Lodge working parties, 1960s style

On 6-7 May we’re going to give the Lodge a deep clean and do some minor maintenance to get it ship-shape and ready for the winter season. We’ll also go over how to run the lodge, meaning you can be qualified to open up and close down so you can get more access to the place in times like quiet midweek periods.

We are looking for people who want to learn how to operate the lodge, or who are keen to help out with cleaning the lodge.

In return for some in-depth cleaning you get to stay at the lodge totally free, including food, and van transport there and back (if there’s enough demand).

If you are keen to help out with this please contact me (details at the bottom of the page).

New family friendly rates

Some seriously excellent news for all of us with families.  We’ve set the lodge rates for 2017 and to make the lodge more family friendly we’ve dropped youth rates across the board, by as much as 20%.  It’s now more affordable than ever to bring your kids to the lodge.

Rates are now available on the lodge website: Bookings will open in May (just a couple of weeks away!) for members and June for non-members.  Get in quick for the lucrative mid-season weekends, and the school holiday weeks.

Looking for group bookings

If you are involved in a youth group, school committee or any other club or group, make sure you mention the lodge as a destination for summer and winter camps / outdoor education trips.  We have capacity for some midweek group bookings this winter – if this interests your group, please get in touch.

Lost Property

Lodge lost property 2016

I have a bag of lost property that accumulated from last season. There are a couple of pairs of childrens’ black ski pants as well as an assortment of hats, shoes, pyjamas and a t-shirt.  If you recognise any of this then give me a yell in the next 6-8 weeks and I’ll reunite you with it.  Otherwise it’ll go to charity or to the families group.

Mike Gilbert,





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