Club night talks – May 2013

Welcome to the Social Convenor’s corner!  I’m excited about being back on committee and in this role. I’m on the hunt for speakers for Wednesday nights and I have one or two “hunters” keeping their ears to the ground to pick up speakers for me too. If you are keen to try your hand at giving a presentation please let me know.  I’m keen to hear from anyone, including our longer term members who might want to give us a blast from the past.  You can contact me at

 Coming up we have:

1 May:         Richard Young taking us on an African Safari

8 May:         Paul Christoffel and team talking about their trip to the Dragons Teeth

15 May:       Amanda Wells talking about her recent trip to the Tasman Wilderness Area in the Kahurangi’s

22 May:       Sharron and DJ take us on their trip to Sefton and Mt Brewster

29 May:       Harry Smith has been nominated to show us photos from a recent trip that went over Ball Pass

5 June:        The Great Tongue and Meat Quiz Night