Well, it’s finally here…. possibly the biggest, most exciting, awe inspiring and most talked about Wednesday night of the tramping club calendar……. the international, world famous WTMC photo competition awards night is on the 25th November! Featuring the discerning expert judge, Te Papa’s Athol McCredie, discussing the merits of the photos taken by our clubbies all over the world. Athol is the very busy curator of photography at Te Papa, so we’re really honoured that he agreed to trawl through the approximately 150 photos and come and discuss his thoughts with us. Make sure to come and be dazzled the high quality of the photos…… and also maybe get a taste of where you want to tramp to in the next year!
Some things for the calendar.
- 18th Nov- Sue Walsh- Norway and Greenland. 25th Nov- * PHOTO COMPETITION AWARDS *
- 2nd Dec- Mike Phethean- Mystery Talk.
- 9th Dec- Steve Porteous & Jenny Lindberg – reconnecting people with nature.
- 16th Dec-Gear Only
- 23rd Dec- Gear Only
- 13th Jan- Gear Only
- 20th Jan- 1st meeting of year
- 17th Feb- New members night….. great night to come down and bring all those friends who want to go tramping, but haven’t quite got there yet. Spread the word!
Just a reminder we are always looking for people to talk about their adventures, whether planned adventures or not, on Wednesday nights. It doesn’t have to be a long talk either. It’s been a fantastic year so far with some interesting topics. Thanks to everyone who have given presentations so far and we look forward to more to come. Speak to either Sally or Donna if you are keen to help us out.
Thanks and see you at Club
Sally and Donna