Over a Cuppa – February 2016

WTMC Social nights are in full swing with a range of members talking about trips around New Zealand, along with a wide range of guest speakers. Don’t forget you can always check the club’s website for the latest club night schedule (and often see what’s scheduled months in advance!).

17 Feb 2016 Jamie Stewart from FMC: Jamie Stewart will be talking about the Federated Mountain Clubs including the history, the current priorities and the current advocacy challenges around the country: Huts and Tracks, Forgotten Lands, Great Walks, Public Access, Accepting Risk. Bring your questions and issues. Follow them on facebook for the latest news.

24 Feb 2016 – Sharron Came – Summiting Mitre Peak and Earnslaw: Sharron had originally planned to talk about trail running and gear safety, but with the development of Runfest (would be and current trail runners should check this out!), she’s opted to talk about tramping and mountaineering. Yes, every now and then trail runners don packs and fill them with climbing and tramping gear, 7 litres of water and bush bash to reach a summit. To find out what it really takes to reach Mitre Peak (the most photographed mountain in NZ), be sure to check out Sharron’s talk and hear about Earnslaw as a bonus.

2 Mar 2016 – WTMC mini film festival – Film featurettes: Extreme adventurers have the Banff film festival, climbers have the Reel Rock festival, swimmers have the Aotearoa Surf Film Festival. What to trampers have? The first WTMC mini film festival – featuring tramping in the Tararuas, tubing the Pelorus and helicopter shenanigans.

9 Mar 2016 – Beccy Day – Stewart Island in Summer: The 2015/2016 summer has seen some of the hottest, driest weather in New Zealand. There couldn’t have been a better time to spend 10 days on Stewart Island – find our out Beccy and Gareth’s adventures and how many kiwi they managed to spot.

16 Mar 2016 – WTMC Annual Photo Competition: Our annual photo competition is just around the corner and the deadline for photos is even sooner – 24 February. Hurry up and get your entries in. All the details you need are in the newsletter of course!

WTMC Social help needed – Are you a tramping socialite?

After a few years on WTMC Committee, I will be stepping down from my role as the social convener and I’m on the hunt for a replacement. I’m happy to help track down inventive and interesting speakers, as well as contribute to the annual bake off (who wouldn’t support organising something that offers free home baked food)! If you might be interested, or want to nominate a friend, drop me a line at social@wtmc.org.nz or just say hi at a club night.

Remember, club now starts 30 minutes earlier with doors opening at 7pm and club talks starting at 7:30pm.