Over a Cuppa – Jan 2014

Happy 2014!

I hope everyone is feeling refreshed after their Christmas breaks and just itching to tell us all about them!  I am slowly getting speakers confirmed for this year and would love to hear from you.  In the meantime we have the following presentations coming up:

  • 5 Feb: Gear night only as we have long weekend trips departing this night
  • 12 Feb: Mike Phethean takes us on his climb up Mt Foraker
  • 19 Feb: New Members night – a major highlight in our calendar so do come along
  • 26 Feb: Peter Laurenson is visiting us and talking about his book “Occasional Climber – A Journey to Mount Clarity”
  • 5 March: Illona Keenan is taking us on one of the Club Christmas trips

I will be working on another Tongue and Meat* quiz. If you would like to help me with this, drop me a line at social@wtmc.org.nz. I also have some external speakers in the pipeline – more details will be forthcoming as these are confirmed.

See you down at the club rooms!

*Tongue and Meats is a historic nickname of the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club. To find out the story, you’ll just have to visit us on a Wednesday.