Social Corner – December 2010

social-convenor-2009Kia Ora

Well it’s another year coming to an end…yes its hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people that have helped make Wednesday nights interesting and exciting. Covering subjects as diverse as ornithology and geophysics, and places such as Ethiopia, Iceland, and Stewart Island, giving us inspiration to create adventures of our own. On that note I am always looking for presenters and ideas for club nights so please talk to me on a Wednesday evening or email me on

Events happening in the future on club nights:

The new member’s night will be held on February 23. This is a great opportunity to invite anybody you come in contact with to come along and find out what we get up to at the club. Megan Banks is our Promotions officer and she would very much appreciate your help on the night. It’s a lot of fun and you will also be fed. If you can help in any way please contact Megan on

The photo competition will be on March 2. So get your cameras out over the Christmas break and in the new year and get snapping.

The last Wednesday for this year will be December 15 and that night will be a Quiz night so start studying up on your general knowledge.

The first Wednesday back in 2011 will be 12 January. This night will be a gear/social night only. Then Mika Verheul will be talking about Lake Waikaremoana on January 19.

That’s it from me for this year. Have a great Christmas and New Year and I hope you get a chance to experience the great outdoors in an enjoyable and memorable way.
