Social corner – November 2011

Jenny Beaumont, Social convenor

Upcoming talks
31st October –       Adventures in the Pyrenees (Sharron Came)
7th November –      High camp on Ngauruhoe (Marie Henderson)
14th and 21st November – TBC – please watch the club website
28th November –    Retro night! (Debbie Buck).  Please get in touch if you have a few slides to put in Debbie’s projector of tramping in the good ole days!

Celebrating 65 years of the WTMC!

We will also mark the 65th anniversary of the club on the 28th November (thanks to Sue Walsh for the reminder!).  We will waive the door fee that night and there will be cakeJ See you there!

Help needed

I’m not going to be able to make many club nights after Christmas so I’m looking for volunteers to help out and run the club night.  This will involve buying milk and biscuits (which the club re-funds), putting the tea out, setting up the projector, and clearing up afterwards.  It doesn’t take a lot of time or organisation – you just have to be able to commit to being at the club on certain weeks.  Please email me or come and chat on a club night if you’re able to help out.

Please also get in touch if you’d like to talk to us on a club night – find me at club or email