Mitre Flats Hut & Mitre – Tararua Forest Park

Day 1 – It was a beautiful crisp start to the day as we departed Wellington Train Station at 8 am. We made our way to Carterton and then on to the Waingawa entrance of Tararua Forest Park.
We started walking at 11.45 am and had a well-paced walk with plenty of breaks and snacks. The track was mostly narrow and easy to traverse due to the nice weather. Lots of lovely creeks to cross, and a few sunny spots so we could warm up. Arriving at Mitre Flats Hut at around 4.30 pm, we were greeted by a lot of keen trampers.
We had a vegetarian Shepards pie for dinner, followed by a game of Uno, hot tea and chocolate. Everyone at the hut settled early that night – with 20 people and a dog (named “Shady Lady”) in the hut and 12 people outside in tents. As a result it was a rather hot and packed stay at Mitre Flats Hut that night.

Day 1 stats

Total steps: 18,000 (approx), Distance:8.1 km
Time moving: 2.54 hr
Ascent: 338m, Decent: 232m
Average speed: 2.6 km/h
Highest point: 456m, Lowest point:268m
Start time: 11.31 am, End: 4.29pm
Time moving: 2:54h, Total time on track: 4:38h

Day 2 – We woke at 7.30 am to a very noisy hut. Lots of trampers were packing up and getting ready for their next adventure. We started our attempt at climbing Mitre Peak at 8.45 am. Bad weather was closing in, which made for a very slimy, slippery track. When we got to the tree line, at 1,035m elevation, we were hit with high winds and lots of rain. This made it unsafe to carry on any higher, but it was fun regardless.

Our descent was cold and steep. With a few slips, 2 hours later we were back safe and warm in Mitre Flats Hut, eager for hot tea and some lunch!

The afternoon involved lots of card games, naps, reading, tea drinking and eating!
Later that night we feasted on a very yummy Pad Thai meal, and it was an early, not so packed, but warm, night at the Hut to complete our Day 2.

Day 2 stats

Total steps: 17,000 (approx)

Distance: 6.4 km, Time moving: 3:02 hr
Ascent: 665m, Decent: 663m
Average speed: 2 km/h
Highest point: 1,035m, Lowest point: 370m
Start time: 8:48 am, End: 1:25pm
Time moving: 3:02h, Total time on track: 4:38h

Day 3 – Up with the sun and the sound of hot water boiling, we started packing up for a very early start to the day. We started out at 8am and had a very wet, windy and determined walk back out of the ranges. 

Due to all the rain, the track was very muddy and slippery. We had one quick morning tea break to reduce the time we spent exposed to the rain and cold wind. 

Back at the carpark, we changed into some dry and warm clothes. We wobbled to our cars, and eagerly drove to the yummy bakery outside Carterton to warm our bodies up! All seated with warm beverages and sweet treats, we reflected on our great weekend. Full of gratitude, laughs, new memories and stories. 

We went our separate ways from the carpark, saying our thanks and farewells. Overall it was a very successful trip, full of all kinds of weather. We are all very keen for our next adventure!

Day 3 stats

Total steps 18,000 (approx), Distance: 8.3 km
Time moving: 2:54 hr
Ascent: 278m, Decent: 386m
Average speed: 2.7 km/h
Highest point: 459m, Lowest point: 269m
Start time: 8:14 am, End: 12:59 pm
Time moving: 2.54h, Total time on track: 4:44h

For another Mitre Flats trip go to Mitre Flats – a little gem

For more Tararua photos go to

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