Letter to the Editor – Buying Annual Hut Passes

Greetings to your readers,

I have a favour to ask of them, and hope that you will print this in an effort to get word out there…

Currently, if you wish to purchase a 6 month (or longer) back country pass, it’s great if you live in Wellington as you can just pop into the centrally located (Manners St) office and pick one up. However, nobody else is quite so fortunate as our members who live in the city. Either a de-personalised (and more expensive) system of posting in a cheque with an extra administration fee is to be followed, or a long trip into Wellington by train or traffic jam.

I am asking you, your readers or anyone you know to request in writing that back country passes be made available at outlying visitor centres (eg Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt, Porirua etc). Letters should be addressed to:

Dept of Conservation
PO Box 10420

Or wellingtonvc@doc.govt.nz

I would be most appreciative.

Regards, Margaret Craigie

Update: 6-month and annual hut passes can now be bought from all DOC Visitors Centres, YHA hostels, and selected I-Sites. The mail-in campaign must have worked! -Ed.