From the President … in December … 2020

A massive thank you to all our members – for your support and understanding throughout a difficult year for everyone and for the club.

While 2020 has been challenging in many ways, there’s also been many fantastic trips and other highlights in the year, including in the last month or so.

I was fortunate enough to go on Harry’s tubing trip last weekend (see photo below). After many changes of plans to accommodate water levels and transport, we ended up going down about the last three kms of the Tauherenikau River. Lots of “woo-hoos”, a little bit of spinning and only the odd light dunking. More tubing to come next year.

Ready to go tubing. L-R: Me, Racquel, Marie, Harry, Werner. Photo credit: Werner

From all reports, the annual Wine and Beer Tramp – hard, medium and easy tramp all in one – was an enjoyable, rewarding afternoon of good company. I can’t wait for next year’s one.

In late November, the club sponsored a St John First Aid course (thanks Matt for organising!). We learnt how to handle all sorts of medical incidents we might encounter tramping, camping or otherwise. River and track falls, overturned billies, heart attacks, wasp stings, hypothermia and hyperthermia, and asthma were just some of the scenarios we encountered, sometimes with more than one injured person at a time. I feel much more prepared, although still much to remember and to learn.

There were many trips going over the past few months which I’ve heard great things about. Here’s a taster of one:

We’re keen to get more club trip reports. We’re working on a template to make it easier for those new to these but are open to the format. In  the meantime feel free to email for some tips or editing help. Photo stories, videos, etc are also welcome.

Many of you have been asking for online sign-ups for a while. We’ll be moving to this when the new schedule comes out (in February some time). More details at this time. In the meantime, feel free to sign up to trips at our club nights or email the trip leader or Chief Guide.

We’ve also listened to members who have told us they don’t want a paper copy of the FMC Background magazine so are changing how we send this out. If you still wish to receive the paper copy from WTMC, email or return post to us by 11 January 2021 with “YES I still want WTMC to continue to post me a paper copy of the magazine” or similar with your name and address. Members can always access the FMC magazine when the online version is made available on the FMC website.

As I’ve said to some, while 2020 was a year of challenge and change, the club is now well-positioned for 2021 to be about opportunity.  I’m very excited about next year already.

We’ve got a sub-Committee focused on values and a mission statement for the club, and seeing if our Constitution needs updating to reflect where we will be in 2021. If you’re interested, email me at

There are a number of trips for next year already on the schedule – so much so that I’m having trouble choosing – and more trips in the planning.  We’re always wanting trip ideas – but also need more leaders. If you’re not feeling comfortable or ready yet to lead, there’s always the option to co-lead or to be mentored. Contact Matt ( or me.

Our club rooms open again on Wed 13 January 2021 with a trip planning night (details on the Forum) and then back to club nights with speakers the following Wed (20 January). We’ve got some great speakers and events lined up and some in the planning but would welcome suggestions and contacts.

If you can’t wait until then, Summer Lodge is open from Boxing Day for three weeks.  (A huge thanks again also to the Lodge Sub-Committee and all the others involved in keeping the Lodge in such a good position through 2020, and now into summer and beyond).  Although Ruapehu is at Volcanic Alert Level 2, the Lodge is well within with the current safe zone and there’s still plenty to do.

Thanks again for staying with us as we navigated through 2020. 

Wishing you and your whanau happy season’s greetings. Stay well and safe over the break and look forward to seeing you on a club night, trip, at the Lodge or otherwise in 2021.

