From the President…in February

We are almost at the end of summer and the club is as busy as ever. Our recent new members night had a full hall of people interested in joining us to go tramping, mountaineering or one of the other many activities that club members are involved in. Thanks to Illona for organising this event and to everyone who helped make it a success on the night.

AGM – 3rd April 2019

It’s that time of year again where we report back to members on the state of the club, including our financials as well as elect people for the new committee. The Annual Report and Financial Statement will be made available to members shortly.

I’ve already received official nominations for Chief Guide, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Chief Guide and Social Convenor and I’m aware there’s some other nominations in the pipeline. If you are interested in stepping forward for a committee role then have a chat to any of the current committee.

The AGM will start at 7:30pm sharp on Wednesday 3rd April at the TTC Hall, Moncrieff Street.

We’ll keep the AGM short because the main event for the evening is Cindy and Yenfei talking about their recent Aorangi Crossing trips.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Volunteers needed

WTMC is volunteer run so we’re always on the look-out for members to help out with various tasks to keep the club running smoothly. Thank you to Heather who answered the call for help with distributing the FMC Bulletins in my last newsletter post, and to Henry and Gareth who have both agreed to run the snowcraft course this year after a plea went out to all the alpine leaders.

·       First aid kit inspectors

Every three months we check and update the contents of the club first aid kits to ensure they stay complete and in-date. We need people to help with this either as a one-off, or as a regular thing (committing to several quarters in a row, or perhaps one quarter a year). Let if this is something you can help with. (Please let the Gear Custodian know if anything from the kit has been used when you hand it back – this makes things a lot easier).

·       Weekend Emergency Contact people

Mark, our emergency contacts coordinator, needs some more volunteers to be the club emergency contact for upcoming weekends. There’s some more info here and contact if you’d like to see the roster and sign up.

·       Lodge crew support

If the coming winter season is anywhere near as successful as the last one, then the lodge crew are going to need some extra help. If you use the lodge at any time during the year, then please have a think about whether you could offer, for example, to cover the food orders for part of the season or help manage the bookings or maintenance. Our volunteers in these busy roles will be grateful for the opportunity to take a breather during the season.   


·       Subs are now overdue! If you haven’t yet paid your subs please do so asap and let know when you have done so. Equally, if you don’t intend on renewing then it really helps Jane keep records up to date if you just let her know. If you haven’t paid by 31st March then you lose your membership rights and need to pay non-member fees for trips and lodge bookings.

·       Applications are still open for WTMC Scholarships. Members who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply.

February for me started off with the fantastic six-day Five Passes tramp in Mt Aspiring National Park. It’s a rare treat to have a longer trip like this on the WTMC schedule outside of the Christmas break, and it’s something I hope we can do more of. As well as navigating our way up and over all five passes in good weather, I got to spend my two nights in a rock-bivvy (a first for me) which turned out to be a great spot to sit out the rain.

Since then I’ve been mostly trying to get as much mountain-biking practice in as possible – a group of nine WTMC members have organised a private trip to the Old Ghost Road so that is my next focus.  

High Fives on the Five Passes
High Fives on the Five Passes


WTMC President

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