From the President…in May

May always seems a weird month for outdoor activities. It has gotten dark and cold, but the snow has yet to arrive. For me that means I tend to spend it doing day adventures with lots of hills to prepare my legs for the upcoming alpine adventures. The multiple ‘Big Day Out’ trips on the club schedule this month are in a similar vein designed to help budding snow-crafters build their endurance for long days. They seem to have been very popular for several years running now.

FMC Newsletter

Did you know you can now read the monthly FMC newsletter online. If you would like to subscribe, email FMC Administrator.

Are we spamming you?

Some members have reported receiving email spam appearing to be from our WTMC website recently. Juan, our Webmaster, is looking in to what is going on but, in the meantime, please be vigilant with any emails you receive and let us know if you think you have been affected.

Lodge Leader training sessions

The Lodge Subcommittee are holding a Lodge Leader training session at the TTC club rooms gear room on 19th June 2019 at 5.45pm. Becoming a Lodge Leader is a great way to help out – especially if you are planning on spending some of the winter weekends up at the lodge anyway.

If you are interested in being able to operate the lodge or need a refresher on the workings of the lodge, then this is for you.

Please notify if you are going to attend.

TTC Centenary celebrations

WTMC Members are invited to join the TTC as they repeat the very first TTC trip in 1919 from Johnston Hill to Kaukau. TTC are keen to have a cross section of trampers from the Wellington region participating in the unique event on 30th June.

They have promised not to lose anyone (apparently this did happen on the original trip!) Meet at Johnston Hill carpark at 9:45 am for a leisurely walk of approximately 2.5 to 3 hours along to Kaukau. Keep an eye on the TTC website Centenary page in case of postponement.

First aid kits – tell us if you’ve used something!

Please make sure you let the Gear Custodian know if you have used something from the club first aid kits. If you don’t report what you’ve used, the kits go out on the next trip with missing items which you might find yourself in need of. We do expect people to carry their own supplies for minor things like cuts and blisters. The club kits are there for more serious things and we need your help to make sure they are always in good condition.


Applications for WTMC Scholarships are currently open for eligible members….but potentially not for long as the fund is running low. Let us know if you have fundraising ideas.

Brockenspectre selfie near North King
Brocken spectre selfie near North King

The highlight from my tramping life since last month’s update was my first multi-day solo Tararua trip…in mostly fine weather! Between the Brocken spectre conditions, I was treated to some fantastic views along the tops between Tarn Ridge and Mt Holdsworth which distracted me from all the ups and downs I was putting my legs through. As I tramped I reflected on the huge role WTMC has played in building the skills and confidence I needed for this type of solo trip.

Queen’s Birthday weekend is just around the corner and I’m blindly hoping the settled weather we’ve enjoyed throughout May will continue so club trips to Kahurangi and Nelson Lakes National Parks are at least dry-ish and warm-ish.


WTMC President