From the President – October 2023

Kia ora,

This article provides a brief update on club activities, including:

  • WTMC October recap: Committee, trips and lodge updates
  • Coming up in November

If you have any questions, comments or ideas please get in touch.

Ngā mihi

Anne de Ferron

100 Acres plateau & Devil’s Dining Table, Kahurangi NP, Labour Weekend – M group. (Credit: Sam (left), Regan (right))

WTMC October recap

From the Committee

Members survey – A couple of weeks ago all club members were emailed a link to a survey the committee is running in order to better understand how we are doing, what our members want, and how we should improve. The survey is open until the end of Sunday, and any responses are appreciated as they will give us a better representation of our member’s views. If you can’t find the link in your inbox, check your Spam folder or get in touch with Mathew at

Debrief and Incident Review policy – Previous events highlighted a lack of structure in how the Club response to incidents and conducts debrief. WTMC now has a Debrief and Incident Review policy which sets out the level of review required for near-misses, minor incidents (e.g. twisted ankle) and emergency incidents (e.g. serious injury or death), as well as a process on when a debrief with leader and participants is required, and how it should run. Huge thanks to Jamie for all her hard work, which included reviewing policies and advice from other clubs and rescue organisations and holding the pen on the new policy.

Committee minutes – Minutes and decisions from the monthly Committee meetings are available on the website. You can find them under About > Documents > Committee Minutes > 2023.

Tramping updates

Summer schedule – The trip schedule for November to April has been released. Check out the Trip Schedule page to sign up to trips, and feel free to reach out to Monique ( if you are interested in leading a trip. This schedule we are excited to add a new kind of trip – the Big Weekend Out in February next year. This will be a members-only weekend based at the club’s Paua hut. We will walk in together, then split up into smaller groups for day trips on Saturday before regrouping for food and fun in the evening. Find more information and sign up at here.

Bushcraft course – We are running an intermediate bushcraft course in November, an ideal course for Members who have participated in Club trips and want to upskill, or build further confidence to lead trips. The course covers weather, navigation, emergencies, fire and river crossing, and includes lots of opportunity for practice. In includes two theory nights on Wednesday 15 and 22 November and a weekend of practice at Paua hut on 1-3 December. Check the Trip Schedule for more information and to sign up.

Maintenance at Paua hut – Our Club hut is needs a bit of love! Ron will be doing some clean up and maintenance on the last weekend of November. Come for a day or the weekend to help out – no skills required. Sign up online

An 8-day trip along the Rakiura coastline – North West Circuit, Stewart Island – Medium group
From left to right: Ruggedy Mountains (Credit: Leo), Rakiura dream team (Credit: Anne), Sunset and sand dunes at Big Hellfire (Credit: Lynsey)
For mud and kiwi sightings, check the trip report.

For current and future leaders

New leaders – This month we welcome a couple of newbies to the trip leaders cohort! It is great to see people step up and enable others to enjoy the outdoors. A training course will be organised soon for new leaders. If you are interested in leading or co-leading trips please contact please email the Chief Guide.

For existing leaders – Don’t forget about existing resources, to help you plan and organise club trips:
– A trip planning template, to check you have all aspects covered including itinerary, potential hazards, road access etc.
– A wtmc club trip checklist, to check sure you have completed all the admin tasks for your trips (e.g. when to send emails and tips on what to include, how to check payments, confirm vehicle, etc).
– And detailed information about trip leading on the website.

Lodge updates

While Whakapapa and Tūroa Ski Areas have now closed for the winter season, summer is around the corner and the summer season is due to beginning in December 2023. The lodge continues to be open in the interim. You can book your spot at the lodge online, and for the latest updates, please check the WTMC Ruapehu Facebook page.

Summer lodge – Summer lodge will run from 27 December to 31 January. You can book your stay online or email the Lodge booking officers for more information.

Club trip from the lodge (26-28 January) – We are combining trips for all levels of experience and fitness, based at the Ruapehu lodge. Experience the Tongariro Crossing as few will ever see it, by moonlight, as we make the most of the first full moon of the year. Travel to the Club’s Ruapehu Lodge on Friday night. Saturday is free to climb to the summit, explore the surrounding area, sit around with friends or sleep in. From 5pm we will begin taking groups to the Mangatepopo Road end to start the crossing, Easy-Medium first and progressing to the runners. Sunset is @8.35pm. Shuttles will be available to pickup from the Ketetahi Road end and return to the Lodge for the night. Sunday home to Wellington. Max group size of 32. Sign up online

A snowy sunrise from Powell Hut, and windy/aborted attempt to Mt Holdsworth – in place of climbing Bounds in the South Island – Alp1 group
Highlights were getting out despite the weather and another group carrying up firewood so the hut was warm…
Lowlight was the solar lighting switch fail and the hut lights staying on until 2am! (Credit: Emily (left), Anne (right)

Coming up next

Check the trip schedule for upcoming club trips, including the intermediate bushcraft course in November.

1 November – Visit of the NZ Rescue Coordination Center (max 12, Lower Hutt)

8 November – WTMC Talks: Skiing to the South Pole, Following Amundsen’s route up the Axel Heiberg Glacier

16 November – WTMC social pub night (note this is on a Thursday – not Wednesday!)

22 November – WTMC Talks: Being a respectful manuhiri (visitor) and gaining confidence in the ngahere (bush)

Te Puia Lodge and Mangatainoka hot pools in Kaweka Forest Park EM group, Labour weekend (Credit: Jo)
Sunday was cool with showers, perfect for soaking in the hot spring water after a trek up and down from Makino hut. We enjoyed many sights of whio (blue ducks) and rainbow trout. Finished Sunday by polishing off fruit crumble and custard from the WTMC cookbook