WTMC Ruapehu Lodge – its survival may depend on your help
Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL) who has run the skifield at Whakapapa for 60 years is in Liquidation and Receivership. If no buyer can be found before the 2025 ski season it is very likely that all skifield infrastructure will be removed from the mountain and sold by the receiver.
As you may know Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL) who has run the skifield at Whakapapa for 60 years is in Liquidation and Receivership. If no buyer can be found before the 2025 ski season it is very likely that all skifield infrastructure will be removed from the mountain and sold by the receiver.
And then it is also very likely all the other buildings (i.e. ski lodges) will be required to be demolished and removed.
This scenario would be a disaster for mountain clubs such as WTMC, winter skiers and boarders, summer trampers and family groups, and the many local businesses that depend on year-round visitors.
WTMC Ruapehu Lodge early winter
BUT – at the moment there is a white knight in the form of Whakapapa Holdings Ltd (WHL) who will buy and run the skifield subject to obtaining a concession from DOC.
DOC have received a notified concession (lease, licence, and easement) by Whakapapa Holdings 2024 Limited to operate the Whakapapa Ski Area for a period of ten years, and they have now posted an on-line form for anyone interested in offering submissions or objections.
The more support WHL can get from mountain users including individual club members the more likely there will a favourable outcome.
It only takes a few minutes to complete the on-line form so how about helping – you could be the one that gets the concession over the line and then the club can get many more year’s use of our wonderful lodge that has been a big part of the WTMC for nearly 60 years.
Note that Pure Turoa Ltd obtained a concession in 2024 to run a skifield on the Ohakune side of the mountain, and they have been successful and well supported in their first year, so why not at Whakapapa?