Social Corner – April 2012

2WTMC 2012 photo competition results

The annual WTMC photo competition was a great success.  Thanks very much to Grant Newton for his encouraging feedback on our photos and for selecting deserving winners!

Congratulations to these winners and runners up of the 5 categories:

1Above bushline:              Tony Gazley and Spencer Clubb
Below bushline:               Spencer Clubb and Hans Wiskerke
Hut and camp life:           Tony Gazley and Mika Verheul
Native flora and fauna:    Ian Harrison and Spencer Clubb
Outdoor landscape:         Ian Harrison and Amelia White

All winning and runner-up photos can be found on our club website at:
We will be holding another photo competition next year so don’t forget to take your camera out and about with you!

Coming up at club nights in April
4th April –     Harry Smith goes cycling around Samoa

11th April –   Oxfam Trailwaker – a celebration!  Four club members undertook the 100km Oxfam Trailwalk, with the support crew of four other club members.  Come along to hear about the good, the bad and the ugly.  And thanks to all the lovely club members who donated to the Café Cruisers!

18th April –   WTMC AGM.  We hope to see you all there!

25th April –   Alan Knowles straps Nordic tour skates to his tramping boots and heads out onto our lakes, swamps and creeks in July. He says it’s easier than tramping, more exhilarating than skiing and you see lots a new country!
Got an idea for a Wednesday night slideshow? Talk to us on a club night or email the social convenors at

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