Canyoning Intro 101 for members

abseiling in a canyonAs club members are beginning to explore canyoning, we’re keen to support members to develop the skills we need to get in and out of canyons safely.

We’ll be organising a 1-day introduction to canyoning 101. This session will cover canyoning safety, rope management skills and abseiling. The session will give you a good introduction to the technical side canyons. The goal is to support members to be active participants on canyoning trips and begin to develop skills to lead canyoning trips.

The sessions are open to Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club members who:

  • Have at least a medium tramping fitness
  • Have experience with river travel (more than just river crossings)
  • Comfortable in water and can swim
  • Who are keen to learn more about canyoning
  • Who might be interested in further instruction and leading canyoning trips for the club

We won’t be in an actual canyon, but at an area nearby Wellington. Wetsuits are not needed for this session.

When: either the 18th or 19th November, whenever the weather is best

If you want to know more, have questions or want to sign-up, please email

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