Mitre Flats Hat

Last weekend I went for a day walk into Mitre Flats. While there I took some photos, and while doing that I had to take off my black peaked cap as it is not easy looking through a camera viewfinder while wearing it.

When I was back home that evening I realised my hat was missing. I don’t usually lose stuff and couldn’t figure out where it might be, but guessed that it probably fell out of my pocket somewhere at the flats. So I looked at my photos and sure enough there it was lying half hidden in the grass about the middle of the flats where I had been taking photos.

Mitre FlatsSo – if anyone is heading past Mitre Flats could they pick up my hat if it is still there and bring it back? To spot where the hat is you can pan around one of the photos I took – just click here and then on the panorama icon on the photo.


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