From the President…in March

This is my last update as President of WTMC. As you know, I am stepping down at the AGM next week – it is time for the 2020/21 Committee to take the reins. This is also the strangest update I have written….usually these posts are all about encouraging people to get out in the hills, and go on adventures with other WTMC members….but my message this time is different. Please stay at home. This is not the time to be going tramping. This will be hard, but the hills will still be there for exploring when our stay-at-home life-saving work is done. 

All you need to know about WTMC and Covid-19 is here but in summary, club nights and trips are cancelled, and the Lodge and Paua Hut are closed. If we manage a successful virtual AGM next week, then we may also try to run virtual Wednesday night talks if we have willing speakers and an enthusiastic audience.


The AGM is next Wednesday 1st April at 7:30pm. We will likely host it remotely via Zoom and will send out instructions on how to join the meeting to members, as well as the agenda, by email. The Annual Report and Financial Statement are available here

2019/20 Committee and other volunteers

A big thank you to the 2019/20 WTMC Committee for all that you have done this year, in particular Tony G, Heather, Rene and George who are stepping off committee this year having clocked up a good few years between them. Many thanks also to everyone else who has in some way supported us as a committee by volunteering to help run the club.

Tramping from home

While you are at home over the next few weeks, here are a few ideas for keeping in touch with your tramping soul: 

  • Reminisce about a recent (or not-so-recent) trip by writing up a trip report for our club newsletter. Send your story to 
  • Decide what outdoor activity you want to upskill in when this is all over and check out whether you’ll be eligible for a WTMC Scholarship to do it.
  • Scroll through your photos from trips over the past year and pick out the best of them to enter in the club photo competition later in the year. Here’s last year’s winners to inspire you.
  • Clear out, clean up, organise and mend all your tramping gear.
  • And don’t forget to go for a local walk and have a phone or video catch-up with your WTMC friends.

Earlier in March, before I’d even heard of social distancing, I scrambled up the East Ridge of Taranaki on a beautiful day and explored Atiwhakatu Stream, on a trip similar to this one.

Sunset from near McGregor in the Tararua Range

Take care WTMC


WTMC President (outgoing)

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