Odds & Ends – October 2014

Wilderness Magazine Photo Competition

Wilderness Magazine has just launched their photo competition after last year’s successful inaugural competition. There are three categories: above the tree line; huts and camping; and  rivers, lakes and oceans. Panasonic cameras are up for grabs to the winners. The deadline is 2 February 2015. More details on the Wilderness website.

Stuck for Christmas pressie ideas? Sponsor a Kiwi

Rimutaka Forest Park Trust offers kiwi sponsorships, as well as native tree and trap sponsors. To support preservation in your local forest park or find out more about the sponsorship opportunities, see the brochure or contact Rosemary Thompson at sponsors@rimutakatrust.org.nz or (04) 569 4764.

KATCH 22 – Animal pest control volunteer opportunities

Andrew McLellan first became interest in trapping when, as part of a Club trip, he assisted with animal trapping around a translocated population of weka in the upper Tauherenikau River in the mid 1990s. He’s been hooked ever since. Through the Makara Peak Supporters he’s been co-ordinating a rat, weasel and stoat trapping programme at Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park for the last 10 years or so. The Makara Peak Supporters have recently expanded their trapping empire to 140+ traps to cover most of the ridgeline around Karori, stretching from the Kaori Sanctuary to Johnsons Hill under the moniker of “KATCH 22”. The traps are safe and easy to access along popular walking and riding tracks within the Outer Green Belt and some private land. These trap lines are ideal for checking in a couple of hours as part of a walk, run or ride, one or two times a month. They have around 17 volunteers but are keen to expand their numbers to share duties and enable new areas to be trapped.  You can help make a real difference to our city’s burgeoning native bird populations. If you live in Karori or are a frequent visitor or just keen to help, contact Andrew McLellan at poohtours@hotmail.com or 04 471 3120. And if you want to help financially while having some fun, join a fundraiser pub quiz night, 6 December, The Pub, The Terrace. It would be great to see some WTMC teams. Tickets only $10, available from Andrew. One of the questions will be “What does the acronym KATCH 22 stand for?” Contact Andrew for more details.

Seeking stories from the the Tableland / Mt Arthur area

tablelandRay Salisbury, from the Nelson Tramping Club, is working on a book, titled ‘Tales from the Tableland…the history behind Mt Arthur.” You can read more about his project on page 22 of the most recent FMC Bulletin. He intends the book to be a natural and social history of the Mt. Arthur Tablelands. He could use your stories about the Tableland / Mt Arthur area as part of his research, as well as your support. You can find more information and opportunities to support the project on Kickstarter.