Taranaki Maunga East Ridge

Taranaki Maunga (Mt Taranaki) East Ridge

Climbing the East Ridge of Mt Taranaki on good solid lava flows directly from the East Egmont Road to the Sharks Tooth and then the summit

What do WTMC trampers do after they have declared they are ‘all tramped-out’ after many trips over the previous six weeks of fine summer weather and they are then presented with a forecast for a further one-day window of perfect weather at a cool little mountain where fine days are rare?

Well – they just ditch any already made plans and go tramping of course.

So it was that a group of six somehow got organised enough to meet up at the East Egmont road end late Friday night and camp just wherever they could find.

The weather forecast was spot on and next day they climbed the east ridge in perfect conditions. They lunched on the top of the Sharks Tooth and then descended the northern route together with 120 others on the Taranaki Alpine Club’s Open Day Climb.

A great day out.

Resting on Taranaki East Ridge
Resting on Taranaki East Ridge
Aimee climbing a step in the ridge
Aimee climbing a step in the ridge
High on the East Ridge
On the East Ridge
Looking down the east ridge of Taranaki
Looking down the ridge
On the summit of the Sharks Tooth, Mt Taranaki
On the Sharks Tooth
The chimney in the east ridge of Mt Taranakithat leads down into the crater.
Aimee starting down the cool chimney to reach the crater floor

Another East Ridge story is here.

A further East Ridge story is here.

Another further East Ridge story is here.

For WTMC climbs on the other sides of Mt Taranaki go to  Mt Taranaki West Side Story