Notice of 2015 AGM & Annual Report

The most exciting reading all year has just arrived to your inbox – the Wellington Tramping & Mountaineering Club Annual report! This also signals the WTMC AGM is fast approaching. Be sure to write Wednesday 8th April, 7:30pm for tea and 8pm to start the meeting in your diary as this is an important club meeting not to be missed, held as usual as the Tararua Tramping Club Hall, 4 Moncrieff Street, Wellington.

In addition to electing committee members, we’ll be voting on proposed changes to our joining policies which were discussed in the last newsletter.

Below you’ll find links to all the relevant documents including a list of nominated committee members. We are still in need of nominations for the Assistant Chief Guide and the Lodge Convenor.  You could volunteer yourself, or better yet volunteer your best mate.

Follow these links to review the:

*The financials are currently being audited and will be circulated in early April and at the AGM.

Please send apologies to as Beccy Day, Secretary, is away and Megan Sety, newsletter editor is standing in for Beccy at the AGM.

See you in April!

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