Odds and Ends – February 2015

Photo competitions Not only is the club’s photo competition currently seeking entries (due next week by 11 March), but the International Banff Mountain Film Festival is currently accepting photos to the 2015 Signature Image Competition. Wilderness Magazine Seeking Articles Wilderness Magazine is regularly seeking trip reports and in particular North Island trips and will pay for … Read more

Odds & Ends – November 2014

Mountain House working bee – Volunteers needed WTMC built the Mountain House Shelter some years ago [2000?] and now it needs some TLC. A Club working bee is planned for 13-14 December. Tasks include rat-proofing the roof, cleaning and re-securing the water tank, re-locating the long drop, touch up painting and general cleaning. Volunteers are … Read more

Odds & Ends – October 2014

Wilderness Magazine Photo Competition Wilderness Magazine has just launched their photo competition after last year’s successful inaugural competition. There are three categories: above the tree line; huts and camping; and  rivers, lakes and oceans. Panasonic cameras are up for grabs to the winners. The deadline is 2 February 2015. More details on the Wilderness website. Stuck for Christmas … Read more

Missing tramper found by tree

Missing tramper found by tree A tramper reported missing in the Tararua Range was fortunately found by a tree. It has been reported that the search for a missing tramper has ended happily. Police were called by the mother of a middle-aged man overdue on a weekend walk in the Tararua Forest Park when he … Read more

Odds & Ends – September 2014

Congratulations to Wayne Stevens – Pride of NZ Award Wayne Stevens has been a long-time member of WTMC and NZ Land Search and Research  (LandSAR). He was recently nominated for the Pride of NZ Awards which ‘…recognise individuals who make extraordinary personal sacrifices for the benefit of their community. Those extraordinary Kiwis who go above … Read more

Odds & Ends – August 2014

World Wildlife Fund NZ – Launches Conservation Awards WWF – NZ has launched the first ever New Zealand Conservation Innovation Awards to identify new ideas that will help protect the amazing species and spaces in New Zealand. If you’re a backyard tinkerer, laboratory genius, or anything in between, if you have ideas to help communities to … Read more

Odds & Ends – Avalanche Awareness night, Kapiti Volunteering, Mountain Films & Candidate Conservation Discussion – July 2014

Bivouac store hosts Wellington Avalanche Awareness Evening – August 20 @ 7pm  Bivouac is hosting Andrew Hobman from NZ Mountain Safety Council on 20 August to show some short films and discuss techniques on avalanche awareness. Tickets are just $5 and Bivouac will be providing spot prizes and offering discounts on snow gear and clothing on the … Read more

Odds and Ends – June 2014

Odds & Ends Tramping with Children by Karen Jordan This book was written to encourage more parents to take their children tramping. The tracks have all been walked by the author’s children when they were under 10 years of age. The book is set out into two sections. The first section covers useful information such as … Read more