Where the Bloody Hell Are You?

Navigation tips from Marie Henderson Aunty Rata (who knows I get lost more regularly than most) asked if I had any tips to share  on navigation. Although the newsletter is not the place to learn a practical skill like navigation and there are lots of great written resources already that people can read, here are … Read more

Kai on the Fly – April 2010

with Aunty Rata Ki Ora fellow trampers. I hope you managed to get outdoors to enjoy adventures in our conservation estate over the Easter and school holiday period. The government has finally made public its proposals to open up more conservation estate to mining.  John Key reckons New Zealanders are evenly divided on this issue. … Read more

Spicy Couscous

Dear Aunty Rata So lovely to see recipes appearing again in our newsletter and that you are being the Aunt Daisy of WTMC for those a little scared of anything culinary. Your attribution of a lovely Moroccan couscous to me was flattering but I have to admit the version is not mine -though a very … Read more