2008 Journal

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    • #14744 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Many of you may be wondering where Tramping & Mountaineering 2008 (a.k.a “the journal”) is at …… it is currently at the printers and set to roll off the printing press today or tomorrow.

      It will be mailed out in the New Year as 350 copies will need to be enveloped and addressed etc …. and no doubt you’ll be heading to the hills for a few days. …… if you want your copy earlier, drop me an email and I’ll pop it in the mail as soon as possible.

      I’m standing down from the journal editor role, so looking for an enthusiastic person to take it on in 2009. If you think it would be a neat job to tackle, then let me know. The job entails requesting articles throughout the year, then a couple of months pulling it together etc. I will be available to offer help as required. The club has got the ideal software (Adobe InDesign CS3). Its a great way to help the club … and you get a very tangible result for your efforts.


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