22-24 Feb MTB Trip Whanganui NP

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    • #15501 Reply
      Michael Schier


      I just got an email with questions regarding my trip.
      So if you’re also thinking about coming along this *aaaawesome ride* ;) (or you haven’t heard about it yet), here’s the copy&paste text:

      Currently, the plan is as follows:
      FR: drive up to Raetihi, sleeping at the Holiday park there
      SA: biking up to Whakahoro, around 60km, I think there’s a hut, otherwise we’ll use flies.
      SO: biking down to the bridge of nowhere, jeboating out to Pipiriki, biking back to Raetihi, in total again around 60km on the bike, drive back to Welly

      I uploaded some track information here: http://goo.gl/maps/WewYb

    • #18673 Reply

      Hey Michael, want me to promo your trip on our facebook page too?

    • #18675 Reply
      Cathy Screech

      Hi Michael

      Sorry I wasn’t sure how to contact you – I signed up for the trip last Wednesday but also asked you some queries as I wasn’t sure how hard-out the trip would be. You referred me to here where there was some more information. I think the trip is a bit too big for me unfortunately, so unfortunately I won’t be able to attend. I will be at the meeting tomorrow night if need to discuss further.


    • #18676 Reply

      Hi Cathy,

      sorry for not contacting you until now. I was unable to find your email address, would be great if I can get it via this forum.
      Regarding the required trip fitness level: 60km sounds a lot, but the difference in altitude is quite low. It’s rather a cycling than a MTB trip, no single trails etc.
      Of course, I don’t know your level of fitness, but if you can do a medium tramping trip, you should also be fine with this one.

      And nope, we’re not in hurry, everybody can bike her own speed!
      So I would recon: give it a try! ;-)


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