31st August – a night of SHORT talks/slideshows..

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    • #15281 Reply

      Have you been on a club trip recently? Got a few photos you’d like to share with us??

      I know many club trips are short (1-2 days) which makes it hard to fill a full Wednesday night session on your own… so here is YOUR chance to show some of the photos you have taken/tell us all about your short trips…

      We have a free slot for presentations on the 31st August so I’m looking for 4-6 people to share the evening and show us a few photos each. It is not going to be a mamouth session – hopefully only 30-40mins in total – so you only get a FEW MINUTES each!

      This is a great way for everyone who comes along to our Wednesday evening meetings to see what we get up to on our weekends away with the WTMC!

      Please email me at to tell me you’d like to join in the fun! If we get sufficient interest (we run a LOT of weekend/day trips so there should be lots of you out there!) then I’ll run some further mix-it-up sessions – so don’t worry if you can’t make the 31st August.

      Don’t forget we’re always happy to hear from you if you have a trip you want to tell us about!


    • #18469 Reply

      Hi Jenny,

      Yep – count me in for a few minutes for some photos – probably North Island trips.


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