A Useful Bushcraft Day

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    • #14892 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      I thought folks might be interested. Steve Porteous of http://www.human.org.nz/index.htm is running a one-day course on 19th Sept which is a Saturday. It runs from 9am to 6pm in the Otaki Gorge area.

      I will post a pic or a scan of the flier for this day entitled “You VS Wild” as soon as I get it in the mail.

      He says he will be covering stuff like emergency shelter making, about 9 natural foods, some ordinary fire lighting skills and other stuff.

      Steve has done an intensive 6 week survival camp in the USA and has practiced surviving rough in the NZ bushVH as well as running classes on this from time to time, so he should have some good knowledge.

      The fee for the day is $70. I’ll be going up by hook or by crook, but would also contribute petrol money if someone is also going up from Wgtn.

      Anyone who wants to know more email me at

      Steve Kohler

    • #18203 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      Here’s some more info that will help anyone who is considering going to this bushcraft day..

      ‘YOU vs WILD’

      Introduction to


      One day introduction to what it takes to survive in the “wild” places.

      For individuals and families that go bush now and then, or are serious trampers. This is the beginning of the survival kit you keep in your head rather than your pack.

      Learn about shelters, wild foods, water, and fire making.

      This is knowledge that all our ancestors had, we just have to be reminded.

      WHEN: Saturday September 19th 2009 9am -6pm
      COST: $70 adults, $45 children (up to 16yrs)
      WHERE: Human Interactive Nature School, Otaki Gorge

      Human Interactive nature School
      ph (06) 364 3337
      57 Parenga Road
      Otaki Gorge

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