abseil sites

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    • #13530 Reply
      dave Scotland

      Can anybody let me know of good abseil and rock climbing sites around welllington.
      Kaukau? apparently there is a place to top rope up there bu I couldnt find it, any ideas, grid references etc.
      And yes I am still after good keen people to climb with at the freburg wall (tues – fri) am/ pm/whatever.
      I know you are out there( how about lunch time climbs)


    • #17255 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      Some tramping club members go to Fergs on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work. It’s a bit of a regular thing.



    • #17256 Reply


      Try Titahi Bay – go to Whitreia Park (with the big radio masts). Pick your way down to the northern coastline following animal tracks down steep gullies. Amongst the rocks and bluffs at the bottom (and abit around to the South west) you’ll find some fun short climbs with top bolts. We use this for our alpine instruction courses. Theres a couple of short fun abseil points around here.

    • #17257 Reply

      Apart from Titahi Bay the other main area for rock climbing around Wellington is out at Baring Head. Head out to Wainuiomata and follow the Coast Road south till you reach the sea. Park here and walk for about 15 minutes around the coast to the right. (Depending upon conditions you may have to ford the Wainuiomata River, or it may be dammed by beach gravel at the mouth.) Alternatively you can cycle out around the coast from Eastbourne. Baring Head is mainly bouldering on a series of small rock outcrops rising out of the beach with sand around the base, but there’s at least one decent-sized slab with bolts at the top that you can abseil on.

      There’s an old quarry on Mt Victoria, more or less directly up above the city end of the Mt Victoria tunnel, which sometimes gets used for abseil training, anchoring off one of the pine trees up the top. (It’s only about 15 minutes walk from our club hall.)

      Wellington’s not really the greatest area for rock climbing but there’s a guidebook called Wellington Rock describing what’s available. (Or at any rate there used to be, but I’m not sure if it’s still in print – try the local tramping shops and see if they have it.)

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