Activities for June/July- 04

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    • #13781 Reply

      Hi! I found your email address on your website and I would like to receive information regarding your trips/activities for the month of June/July. I will be traveling in NZ beginning June 16th and would very much like to join you on one of your activities.

      I am an experienced MTB, Rock Climber, Snowboarder/Backpacker (Tramper) and would be grateful to participate in any or all these. I am currently a founding member/trip leader of a similar organization in Southern California (USA):

      Any information that you can offer would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

      Best regards,
      – TM

    • #17496 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      Hi TM,

      All our trips are on our webpages (maybe a bit hidden), but try these direct links:

      The way to join one of our trips is to come to our club meeting on Wednesday night, 7:45 at Moncrieff St ( and put your name down on the trip sheet. You normally sign up 2-4 weeks in advance.

      Hope that helps.


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