After Work Rogaines 2008 and other dates

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      Greg Thurlow


      Wellington Ridgerunners and Orienteering Hutt Valley (OHV) are organising a series of afterwork rogaines before Xmas. Good way to practice navigation at your own pace. Entry is usually $5 to cover map organising/printing costs.

      The first in the series, Wile E’s revenge rogaine is scheduled for

      Thursday November 6th
      Maps from 05:30
      Karori Community Centre Carpark (general area around lights by Mobil Petrol Station)

      Who knows Wile E may turn up !

      Please feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions about rogaining or Wellington Ridgerunners

      Greg Thurlow

      The rest of the calendar follows:

      Nov 28/30 WRR adventure to Nelson Lakes ? Details to follow?but will no doubt follow our usual formulae

      Dec 6 The Goat and the Kepler. Lots of Ridge Runners entered in both and out there training. Don?t be scared of using this email list to find running partners for your training runs

      Dec 9 Newlands afterwork rogaine by Mick Finn and Mark Hearfield

      Dec 20 Christmas Rogaine ? Saturday afternoon and evening ? location TBC. Organiser Mike Sheridan

      Jan 24th Jumbo Holdsworth

      Feb 28/1 Kaweka Challenge and Mt Lowry Challenge

      Mar 9 Tararua Race (and likely date of NZ Rogaine Champs)

      Mar 22 Mt Lyford

      Apr 4/5 Oxfam 100 Taupo

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