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    • #13690 Reply

      Hi all

      This year’s AGM for the tramping club is on 7th April

      At the AGM we approve the Annual Report for the club which will be out in about a month and elect the new committee

      If you are interested in standing for committee then please let me or one of the current committee members now. We are keen to have a number of new people on committee so we look forward to any nominations


    • #17393 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Want some job experience in Marketing?
      Want to push yourself to be more confident or perhaps push yourself further do a bit of public speaking (only if you want to)etc……

      Such a committee role will not only add to your CV but is a great way to involved in the club as you dont really need any technical tramping knowledge..just a positive outlook. You are a key to welcoming and attracting new members and orientating them into the club.

      You’ll manage a group to look after the door, look for inventive ways to promote the club and organise a New members Night.

      I’ll be there to support you along the way and help out on many activities as will many people…so if you are keen to take over the Promotions Officer role and have some new ideas – we’d love to have you on board… come and chat to me or anyone else on committee!

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