ALP1 (MF) Travers-Sabine-Angelus Queens Birthday w/end

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    • #14818 Reply

      A reminder for anyone wanting to join this trip to Nelson Lakes over Queens Birthday weekend that this Wednesday (the 13th) is the last chance to sign up. A good opportunity to dust off the crampons and ice axe …

      Trip details;

      Thurs (May 28th) – 6pm InterIslander to Picton. Drive to St Arnard.
      Fri – Water Taxi to southern end of Lake Rotoiti. 20km tramp to Upper Travers Hut.
      Sat – early start for ascent of Mt Travers (conditions permitting); over Travers Saddle, down to Sabine Hut (15km)
      Sun – 8km fitness test up to Angelus Hut
      Mon – drop back down into Travers Valley & back to Water Taxi 2pm & return home.

      Trip does involve taking Friday off work. Cost $190 ($205 non members) + hut tickets / food etc


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