AMP People’s Choice Award – please consider voting for Scott.. see below

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    • #15086 Reply

      I got sent this from LandSAR – they have asked that their members support Scott as he’s an active SAR member and the training he’s asking for will benefit his SAR activities.. If you haven’t already voted for someone else please consider voting for Scott!

      Hi there, my name is Scott Weatherall; I am an active SAR Volunteer in Dunedin both Land and Marine. Professionally I work as a Paramedic from Dunedin Station.

      Each year AMP runs a promotion called “Do Your Thing”, which awards scholarships to worthy kiwis to help them achieve their dream; I have applied this year with the hope to receive some financial assistance to help me to do my Advanced Paramedic Training (Bachelor of Health Science Paramedic) through AUT.

      They have two opportunities to be granted a scholarship; the first is through a judging panel, successful applicants will be announced in late August.

      The second opportunity and the one I would love your assistance with, is through the People’s Choice Section. Currently I have just over 900 votes (thanks to those of you who have already voted for me) and have until the end of July before voting closes, I am about 3rd or 4th overall out of approx 150 National applicants, but the current leader is about 3500 votes, so I have some catching up to do.

      Voting takes about 1 minute.

      Thanks in advance, if you would be happy to forward this email to your families and friends I would be most grateful.

      Scott Weatherall I Paramedic
      Search and Rescue Liason – Dunedin
      St John Southern Region

    • #18338 Reply
      Glen Miller

      Please forward our vote of support for this fine applicant.

    • #18339 Reply

      I should have said – people can only vote once each – and you have to vote using the link in the above email:

    • #18342 Reply
      Mark Cameron

      Please vote for Scott

    • #18344 Reply

      Good Luck Scott, hope you get there. Regards to your family…JUDY

    • #18345 Reply
      Gail Palmer

      Best of luck for your dreams. I hope that you are able to complete your course.

    • #18346 Reply
      Keith Finnie

      Jenny Wrote:

      > I got sent this from LandSAR – they have asked
      > that their members support Scott as he’s an active
      > SAR member and the training he’s asking for will
      > benefit his SAR activities.. If you haven’t
      > already voted for someone else please consider
      > voting for Scott!
      > **************
      > Hi there, my name is Scott Weatherall; I am an
      > active SAR Volunteer in Dunedin both Land and
      > Marine. Professionally I work as a Paramedic from
      > Dunedin Station.
      > Each year AMP runs a promotion called “Do Your
      > Thing”, which awards scholarships to worthy
      > kiwis to help them achieve their dream; I have
      > applied this year with the hope to receive some
      > financial assistance to help me to do my Advanced
      > Paramedic Training (Bachelor of Health Science
      > Paramedic) through AUT.
      > They have two opportunities to be granted a
      > scholarship; the first is through a judging panel,
      > successful applicants will be announced in late
      > August.
      > The second opportunity and the one I would love
      > your assistance with, is through the People’s
      > Choice Section. Currently I have just over 900
      > votes (thanks to those of you who have already
      > voted for me) and have until the end of July
      > before voting closes, I am about 3rd or 4th
      > overall out of approx 150 National applicants, but
      > the current leader is about 3500 votes, so I have
      > some catching up to do.
      > Voting takes about 1 minute.
      > Thanks in advance, if you would be happy to
      > forward this email to your families and friends I
      > would be most grateful.
      > ll
      > Scott Weatherall I Paramedic
      > Search and Rescue Liason – Dunedin
      > St John Southern Region

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