Anniversary weekend 2011 ex Christchurch

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    • #15130 Reply

      I’m leading a trip ex Christchurch at Anniversary weekend 2011 (see current trip schedule). It will be MF-F and you will need to be ALP1 qualified. If you want to come I suggst you i) let me know and ii) book flights to arrive in Christchurch on the evening of Friday 21 Jan and returning to Wellington first thing on the morning of 26 Jan so you can head into work. Air NZ is advertising relatively cheap flights at present. I have booked to head down on the 7.30pm flight returning on Tuesday morning on the 6.45am. There will be other costs – car rental and possibly some accommodation but flights are the main cost. As to where the trip is going, it will be somewhere awesome, details will be revealed next year…

    • #18369 Reply

      Correction – book a flight coming back on Tuesday 25th Jan not Wed 26th! (Monday 24th Jan is Wellington Anniversay Day).

    • #18384 Reply
      stuart douce

      Hi Sharron

      you are welcome to crash at my place in Riccarton on the sun night if you guy need somewhere to stay in chch

      Stuart Douce

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