Anniversary Weekend – Sign up for Trips!

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    • #12067 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Hi all,

      Please note we will be making bookings for some Anniversary Weekend trips before Christmas. Anniversary weekend is 17-20 January. The trips that need early booking (due to ferry, train or kayak bookings) are:

      Cycle – Taumarunui/Stratford – leader Grant Newton
      Kayak – Lake Rotorangi (Taranaki) – leader Matt Pinkerton
      Tramping – Hackett Forks/Dun Mtn/Pelorous River (Richmond FP) – leader Paul Carter
      Tubing – Pelorous (Richmond FP) – leader – Ally Clark
      Rock Climbing – Paynes Ford (Golden Bay) – leader Keith Gerristsen

      Trip sheets are now up in the clubrooms – sign up on either Wed 11 Dec or Wed 18 Dec ….. otherwise contact the trip leaders.

      For other Anniversary Weekend trips, bookings will close on Wed 8 January.

      Grant Newton
      Chief Guide – WTMC

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