Another Hell Mission!!

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    • #14930 Reply
      Hell Mission T.C

      Hey there…

      Added the another hell mission to Overnight Hell Missions-
      Circuit from Hell in the Ruahine Remote Lunatic Zone

      There were ledges where the river level is when it floods. We came to a nipple deep pool so we sidled high on the true left which was a mistake because of the supplejack and no way back into the river. We did find a way off down a gut once we had smashed our way through the supple jack and whiteywood. Another one of these pools was not far downstream with vertical cliffs so no sidling was going to occur here. I left Dad murmuring to himself and made my way down a rock ridge in the middle of the creek and slid into the pool which was just over waist deep! Dad not wanting to be stuck there soon followed. (See photo of him sliding into the pool) Murphy’s Law round the corner was another impassable one so we were forced to swim it since we can’t/don’t want to go back upstream. The stream did eventually open up like we had been saying a couple times upstream but it was near the forks of Makawakawa and Anderson Streams.


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